Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ever wonder what the view's like from the *outside* of the stewpot?

This Canadian folk-rock singer-songwriter (no, his last name isn't also hyphenated), Luke Doucet (see?) has a great song. It sums up what a lot of people globe-wise have been expressing about our humble election: what happens on our election day will affect them, so it'd be cool (useful, even!!) to be an American for a bit.

If you click THIS LINK, you'll see lyrics.

If you click THIS LINK, you'll hear a story about Canadian patriotism encapsulated by song, yes, but stick with it and you'll hear Luke Doucet's song, "I Wish I Was American". Don't worry, it's less than 5 minutes total, and the bit about Canadian patriotism is all to set up the song.

The song itself has a poignant message but rousing tune. Very catchy.

Makes you think. Know anyone who's not using their vote? Someone overseas (or over the border, at least) would really like to use it.

If you don't vote after hearing that, there's something very wrong with your sense of civic duty and American Pride. Let your conscience tell you who to vote for, but for the sake of all that is baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie, VOTE.


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At 7:41 PM, Blogger yarnpiggy said...

Love that clip! I remember hearing the song leading up to the last U.S. Presidential election.

It's so true -- Canadians, and people from all over the world, are affected by who occupies the White House, and a lot of us are very interested in U.S. politics. Perhaps this year more than ever -- because of each ticket!


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