Monday, October 13, 2008

Pink is EVERYWHERE. How can you NOT be aware of breast cancer???

Pink is EVERYWHERE. How can you NOT be aware of breast cancer???
Originally uploaded by sunspotting.

Life is a blur as we speed our way into Cleveland Browns Stadium. I know from others' experience that the best way to keep my cell phone is to hold the heck onto it, so I am blogging my way up the escalator into the endzone opposite the Dawg Pound. People behind are taunting the crowd, letting us know how inadequate we all are for not responding to their call-and-response cheering.

I gotta tell ya, no matter how well or lousy-embarassing we do, I gave up all my energy on the marathon and the Everyman/Everywoman unpaid runner competing yesterday. They're not making millions of dollars for the privelege of sports participation. Nyah.

In the meantime, there are dozens of teams of people outside the stadium, mostly women, dressed in pink and collecting for breast cancer causes. I wish more energy would be given to raising men's awareness to the fact that THEY are also susceptible to breast cancer. At this point in history, men have a significantly higher mortality rate than women (for all that it's rarer) simply because they do not have the same safety and awareness measures in place as women.


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