Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Salmon- It's BARBECUED!! Yummy.

Mmmm. "M" is for "Fat Matt's", which is the brand of barbecue sauce I've used on our already buttery-rich wild salmon.

Oh. This is GOOD.

No, actually, I have no words for it. Not without dipping wildly into the realm of hyperbole. And I absolutely *never* do that, never in a million jillion years.


Here's what I did. I heated the grill pan (incidentally, one of only 2 Teflon-coated pans I have; I've got my eyes open for one that's cast iron instead!) before gently placing the salmon onto the surface. No oil; this fish is plenty oily. With half a lemon, I sprinkled some juice on just this one raw, red side. Not a lot of lemon: I didn't use the whole half, I could probably use it on another slab, possibly 2. Finally, fresh ground black pepper and fresh ground sea salt.

What? I should use some *other* salt on a great beast from the sea?

I flipped it -- carefully! it was about 6" square -- once the red, translucent flesh started to turn pink and opaque. THIS is the side I dressed with the yummy barbecue sauce!! It's very thick, and I just let it sit right on top of the meat. Most of the sauce wasn't really going to go anywhere, the surface had already been sealed by the cooking, but some would heat up enough to soak in a little. At least, that's what my imagination tells me. And my imagination tells me a lot.

So once I flipped the fish, I put the rice in the microwave to reheat. Marvelous. It was a much cooler dinner to prepare than that wretched casserole I made a few nights ago. While delicious, it heated up the house more than I really wanted...


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