Monday, October 13, 2008

Introducing the Browns

Introducing the Browns
Originally uploaded by sunspotting.

Ok, *NOW* it's time for hollering "here we go, Brownies, here we go!"

It was so. Blasted. Funny.

Overly lubricated by alcohol (I can only guess), Rick and I (and several others nearby) were aurally assaulted by tangential hordes who admonished us for not joining them in their chants and cheers, ON OUR WAY *INTO* THE STADIUM!!

The thing is, there isn't anything to cheer yet. Except the fact of OUR presence. And really. >raises eyebrow< Is THAT *really* something I should be spending my already raw voice on?

I spent my voice on my marathon-running husband (and other non-millionaire runners) yesterday. If the Browns give me something to cheer about, rest assured I will join in, but I will wait for that moment. And not a bit sooner.

But I appreciate that these fanatics are providing extra entertainment. Bravo.


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