Thursday, January 03, 2008

History! Written Fresh Today!!!

So Barack Obama is our first Democratic candidate to win a state, and the first black candidate EVER to get this far in a presidential election successfully.

(I'm ignoring the Republican race, because I'm scared to death of the evil that Huckabee will do. He's a lot like GWBush, but a competent Bush. God preserve us from that fresh Hell.)

It's very exciting!

Sort of. Mostly.

Here's why I feel a little subdued in my celebration. Why did it take until 2008 for this to happen? Skin color has nothing to do with a person's ability to administrate!!!!!

Ok, and that's not all. I like the guy, and all, he's got a lot of really great ideas. We could do a lot worse than Obama for Prez. But he's my second choice.

I really wanted to see HERstory written today.

There's still time.

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